The Careers department at ISHilversum is made up of many parts and a good number of staff members are involved in delivering a comprehensive programme for students, starting in Grade 9 and finishing with university entrance in Grade 12 and beyond. 


Grade 9 Parents' Career Evening

Once a year, the Grade 9 students have an opportunity to meet volunteer parents from all walks of life in a series of short presentations with questions and answers. The evening is organised in collaboration with the PTA and well over 20 other parents!


STEP-ONE Careers Profiling

In Grade 10, we try to focus the students towards their Diploma Programme subject choices and the choices they will be needing to make as they approach graduation. STEP ONE is an independent organisation that is employed by the school to carry out specialised profiling on an individual basis. The tests are administered online but conducted in school and administered by a STEP ONE professional. The testing is essentially a series of comprehensive psychometric tests which are designed to assess the student in a number of ways. The students receive feedback in small groups from the visiting consultant.


After The Middle Years Programme

Later in Grade 10 the careers department helps with decision-making and package building for the Diploma Programme. We try to help students who are leaving the school at this point, providing transcripts, organising references and giving some advice as to what options are available to the student. There is a dedicated careers officer for this purpose and the same person specialises in Dutch career opportunities. These may be higher education studies in Dutch or a career in the military as well as possible relocation to another secondary establishment.


It is important for parents to be part of the planning for any eventuality, from subject choices in the Diploma Programme to relocation. To this end the careers department holds an information evening for parents concerning subject choices. If a student is considering leaving the school after Grade 10, they can make an appointment at ANY time during Grades 9 and 10 to talk about their plans or ask questions. Parents can e-mail Ms. Isaac, who is head of the careers programme at the school and Mr. Otjes​ who is responsible for Dutch careers information.