ISHilversum has a Works Council that conforms to the Dutch participatory model for schools. In this official body, staff, parents and students have a voice and play an advisory role for certain areas of school vision and planning.

Two parents, four staff members and 2 Diploma Programme students form the Division Council (DC). All members are elected. The Principal and Head of Upper school attend meetings as a representative of the school boards and in an advisory capacity.


Division Council Members     

  • Mrs J. van Lemmen;
  • Mr. R. Knoppert;
  • Mr. P. Maguire;
  • Vacancy;
  • Mrs. Cloyd-Lighaam;
  • Mrs. Prakoso;
  • Ken Jackson
  • Asmita Nayak.

There are certain decisions, issues and/or topics that the Principal requires the prior consent and/or advice of the DC. The DC has a right to request consultation with the Principal on certain subjects. The DC also has a right to any information reasonably required for the performance of its tasks.


For enquires, please contact Mrs J. van Lemmen or parent-members of the Works Council.