This year, the 10th grade embarked on a yearly educational journey to Ypres for our Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) on World War I, integrating both English and History. It was an great expedition where students had the opportunity to delve deep into the World War I history firsthand.


Our exploration began at Tyne Cot Cemetery, an impressive sight that serves as a silent testament to the enormity of the sacrifices made during the war. We were equally moved by other historic sites, such as the Brooding Soldier of Canada, which stands as a powerful reminder of the past. The grand and solemn apperence of the cementeries was made serene by a warm spring sun.


Our visist was enhanced by guided tours that brought to life some of the stories of soldiers and regiments that have fought on those grounds. Our visits to various museums allowed students to step back in time, where exhibitions and reenactments made the experiences of soldiers more tangible, offering a glimpse into their lives during the war. We also visited Talbot House to catch a glimpse on how soldiers would relax on leave from the front – thus providing a comprehensice picture of their lives during the war.


However, our trip wasn’t solely a journey through history. It also included moments of enjoying the charming city of Ypres, sharing meals in local restaurants and engaging in a lively quiz night that sparked laughter and spirited competition. We look forward to going back next year! 


Written by: Mr. Bogdan Cornea