Open Lesmiddag 5 maart
Registrations Open

Student Services Contact Details


Phone Number: 035-6729934



A student who arrives late for class for any period must report to the Student Services office.

All late arrivals will be registered and students who are late more than three times in one term will be required to attend a detention. This involves coming to school the following morning at 08:00. Failure to attend the detention session will result in the student having to come to school at 08:00 each day for the next week. Parents/legal guardians will be informed. If a student repeatedly fails to comply with the above, parents/legal guardians and the student will be invited to a meeting with the Deputy Head and/or school Principal. Suspension or a transfer to another school may follow. 

If a student is habitually late, and no improvement takes place, parents/legal guardians will be asked to explain and the authorities may be informed. 

For Diploma Programme students (DP1 and DP2), if a student is more than fifteen minutes late to a class, the teacher will have the right to refuse entry to the class and the student will be marked down as absent.


Reporting Student Illness

Every child in the Netherlands has a right to education and also has the obligation to attend school. Parents/legal guardians are requested to phone (035-6729934) the school between 08.00am and 09.00am to report the sickness of their child. A message can be left on voicemail. Parents/legal guardians may also report sickness by email ( If the sickness continues parents/legal guardians should update the school on a daily basis. In all cases of illness, students must report to the Student Services office immediately upon return to school. This must be done before the first teaching period of the day for that student.


Illness During A School Day

Students who become ill during school hours must go to the Student Services office.  The parents/legal guardians of MYP students will be called in order to ask approval for their child leaving school for the day.  DP students will get a green card, which should be signed by their parents/legal guardians and returned to the Student Services office upon their return to school. No student should leave the school before the office is informed,  except in an emergency situation.


Absences for One or More Lessons

Students with a special reason (e.g. doctor, dentist, specialist appointment) for a short absence from school, meaning late arrival, early departure or absence for an hour or two must report to the Student Services office in advance. Absence for an hour or longer (due to oversleeping etc.) is seen as absence without a valid excuse. 

Students who miss a test due to an absence of one or more hours should contact the teacher concerned as soon as possible, so that arrangements can be made to make up that test. Absence due to a medical/dental appointment is not a valid excuse for not doing homework or a test in a particular subject. Arrangements must be made to make up a test in the first available retake hour.

In the event of absence from school for a reason not related to illness (e.g. family funeral of a near relative, special family anniversary, open days for Universities) parents/​legal guardians must request permission from Mrs. Neethling ( in writing well before the event. The student needs to make arrangements concerning homework, and to inform teachers concerned of the reason for prolonged absence. The school is bound to uphold the rules and guidelines laid down by the authorities.


Absence from Physical and Health Education Lessons

Students who wish to be excused from taking part in a Physical and Health Education (PHE) lesson should contact their PHE teacher before the lesson. If the PHE teacher is not informed before the lesson, the absence will be seen as unauthorised. Students not taking part in PHE lessons over a longer period of time must inform the Deputy Head or Mrs. Cecilia Neethling of the reasons for this. A medical certificate is required in such cases. PHE is an assessed subject in Grades 6-10, with strict attendance requirements. Students not attending PHE education lessons do not have a free period during those lessons but should attend the lessons unless otherwise instructed.


Absences Without a Valid Reason

All International Baccalaureate programmes require that a minimum number of hours be covered. Attendance will, therefore, be taken into account in confirming satisfactory completion of courses. Detailed rules regarding absences without a valid reason can be found in our Student Attendance Policy (available at the bottom of this page).

Students Grades 6 – 10 may not leave the school grounds during their school hours.


Special Leave

As a general rule, students are not permitted to take time off outside official school holidays. In unusual circumstances, parents/legal guardians must request a special leave of absence for their child well in advance of the planned absence, by sending an email to Mrs. Neethling ( The e-mail must state the reason, length and time of the planned absence. Mrs. Neethling will inform the parents/legal guardians of the school's response to the request as soon as possible. 

Parents/legal guardians must be aware that the authorities monitor schools carefully to ensure special leave is granted only in unusual circumstances and schools are following the criteria set by the government. 

To see the school's full Student Attendance Policy, please click here​​.

Learning through Diversity

Encourage Sustainable Choices

We build physical and virtual environments that encourage sustainable choices

High Academic Expectations

We have high academic expectations to facilitate exceptional outcomes


We question, explore and transfer knowledge through language and process learning

Model Healthy Relationships

We model healthy relationships in our welcoming, inclusive community

Principled Action

We take principled action as a result of our learning

Prioritise Time

We believe in time prioritised to allow for deeper thinking

Risk-taking Mindset

We encourage a risk-taking mindset that embraces all learning as opportunities for development

Thinking Routines

We develop critical thinking and learning through routines